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Better Childhood

For a more dignified childhood

  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Communications

The challenge

The Undersecretariat of Childhood entrusted us to design and develop a communications strategy plan for the new Specialized Protection Service for Children and Adolescents, Mejor Niñez (Better Childhood), which replaces the National Service for Minors (SENAME) in terms of protection of children’s rights.

Our solution

Led by a team of branding, communications, and crisis management experts, we developed the brand identity of the new institution and produced messages and stories. Despite the change, we coached more than 120 government spokespersons on a national and regional level. We then developed a communications positioning plan that would give a new service its character, so it would not be referred to as the “former Sename.”

The impact

On December 22, 2020, President Sebastián Piñera issued a law that created the new Specialized Protection Service for Children and Adolescents. Media and opinion leaders recognized and valued the changes concerning SENAME (National Service for Minors).  


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Better Childhood